
Haro is a large German manufacturer of flooring whose parquet flooring is used all over the world.

a mood image of a woman in her apparement with her child

Process did the complete redesign for Haro from brand identity, claim, packaging to website.
This was the first project I did at Process. The whole project had been going on for some time and some aspects of the website were defined as the information architecture. I did the user interface to match their new identity. I was already fully involved in the project as I had already done the reference catalogues or product catalogues. As part of the website there are some features, one of them was a product finder where "Floorentine" was helping the user to find a perfect floor for their room and the other feature was, the personalised catalogues you get with all the details of the liked products.


User Experience, User Interface, Support content creation, Supervision Programming





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